Serious tween girl: I wanna get my braces off. I’ll be able to chew gum and be sexually active.
–1 Train
Old Italian man to young, really drunk Asian date outside of a restaurant: So, you wanna eat or you wanna fuck?
–17th & 7th
20-something girl on cell: So we get done and he’s like: "That was amazing. I don’t even want to know where you learned to do that." Is that a rhetorical question? Seriously, am I supposed to answer that?
Girl to friend: But I didn’t mean to have sex with him!
–Washington Square Park
Hot bald guy: I would have thought hurried bathroom-floor sex to have little ambiguity.
–Columbia University
Overheard by: McFreaky
Woman to mailman: I never reported my mailman, and I was banging him!
–68th St b/w Lexington & Park Avenue