Middle aged white woman on cell: I did not call you a scumbag, but you are a scumbag.
–3rd Ave & 85th
Overheard by: Guy Walking
Street youth to another: Nigga, you got a face like a hologram!
–159th St & Ft. Washington
Girl: Yeah, she was like, "Oh my god! Did you see what this guy was wearing?" Please, she should go to a state school, because it sounds like that's where she belongs.
Girl to boyfriend, during fight: You're like an empty Christmas present!
–16th St & 5th Ave
Overheard by: Lizzie
Guy on cell: Well, that's one way of looking at it, but could it be possible that you just suck as a person, and it was really all your fault?
–N Train
Overheard by: Shock-E