
Little boy looking at swim trunks: I can’t get one with a small hole because my penis gets stuck!

Tempe, Arizona

Dad, seeing his little girl spit in a soda bottle: This is disgusting, nobody will want to drink from it now.
Little girl: I know, that's why I did it.
Dad: That's not nice. Smart, but not nice.

Pumpkin Farm
Half Moon Bay, California

Old woman in roller coaster line: Does this one go upside down? I don't like it when they do upside down.
Little boy: You'll be fine, grandma. Come on!

Universal Studios

Little girl pointing to City Hall: That's where we pick up daddy!
Mom: No, it's across the street at the jail.

Overheard by: not good

Mom: Can you sit there and be mommy's good boy just a little longer? We're almost done shopping.
Boy: No. I'm not your good boy. I'm not your good boy anymore.
Mom: Oh you aren't? Then will you be a big boy for me?
Boy: No, I'm not your big boy! I'm not your big boy, and I'm not your good boy anymore.
Mom: Oh really, then what are you?
Boy: I'm a grandma!

Overheard by: kari

Little girl at checkstand: Mommy, I want to drink my soda out of a paper bag, just like daddy!

Lakeport, California

Overheard by: Corinna

Adorable little blond girl, ecstatically: Did our car get jacked?

Port Washington, New York

Overheard by: Ladle

Little girl trying on boots: Mom, can I get them?
Mom: Yes, but you have to take them off.
Little girl: Will you help me?
Mom: No, if you don't know how to take your own shoes off by now, I've done something very wrong.
Little girl, in low voice, taking boots off: …you have.

Bellingham, Washington

Overheard by: Rachel

Little boy running from price scanner: Mom, my hand’s not for sale!

Target, 2255 14th Avenue SE
Albany, Oregon

Overheard by: Miranda

12-year-old boy #1: I wouldn’t like to have two lesbian moms.
12-year-old boy #2: Why not?
12-year-old boy #1: Because they would be, like, overactive.
12-year-old boy #3: You’re totally right!

Mabo Secondary School