Wednesday One-Liners Do It Doggie Style

Woman: So what if I sleep with dogs for money?

–Chrystie St & Delancey

Middle-aged woman, after being told her puppies can't enter store: That's why I live in LA, they're much more dog-friendly there. Now, can you please get me the Lady Gaga CD?

–Barnes & Noble

Young woman, seeing three-legged dog: Three-legged dogs are kinda trendy these days.

–Sunset Park

Overheard by: Matty

Woman to another, walking out of subway: I'm telling you, chihuahuas are fucking taking over the city.

–Bedford Ave & 7th St

Overheard by: J Wing

Man in '80s garb, getting off train and pumping arms in great exaltation: The dog is back!

–Steinway Street

Overheard by: Jo Ann Chism