Bimbette: He’s a med student at Ein– Einstein.
Friend: Is that the bagel place?
Bimbette: I don’t know. I have to look it up.
–NYU Law
Overheard by: If by
Bimbette: He’s a med student at Ein– Einstein.
Friend: Is that the bagel place?
Bimbette: I don’t know. I have to look it up.
–NYU Law
Overheard by: If by
Woman: She brought a bottle of vodka on the plane with her. She was doing shots the whole flight.
–Central Park
Overheard by: sarah
Conductor: The next stop is Cherry Hill, but for the men singing, it was alcohol.
–NJ Transit
Overheard by: Date Rape
Smooth operator: Don’t worry, I thought you were pretty before I got drunk.
Party girl: Yeah, so I did like 10 shots and woke up the next day wearing only one shoe and a sombrero.
–51st St & Broadway
Hobo: Ladies and gentlemen, I have spent all my money on alcohol and marijuana and drugs… But now, I have learned my lesson. I want to spend all your money on alcohol and marijuana and drugs… and viagra…
–Union Square, uptown 6 train
Guy: Dude, I can’t get that drunk. I am trying to fuck that girl tonight.
–Outside Columbia dorm
Bimbette: Oh my god, it was a terrorist act! I’m going to the wine bar.
–68th St & York
Girl #1, nonchalantly: So I was just like, ‘Whatever.’
Girl #2: Right.
Girl #1, angrily: But then he was just like, ‘Whatever.’
Girl #2: What?!
Girl #1, victoriously: Yeah! So then I was just like, ‘Whatever.’
Girl #2: He’s such an asshole.
–87th & Broadway
Overheard by: Emily
Dude: Hey, how are you?
Chick: Good!
Dude: Yeah?
Chick: Yeah… I’ve been banging everyone, though.
Dude: Yeah.
–Stairwell, Columbia University
Overheard by: Ladle
Girl #1: What’s with the people yelling?
Girl #2: It’s a protest about something.
Girl #1: What are they protesting?
Girl #2: I don’t know, the Bubonic Plague?
–Washington Square SE
Overheard by: Gradie Smith
Nylon sweat suit guy: I need a nice homecooked meal. I think I’m gonna go to Tad’s.
–50th & 6th
Blonde: I don’t diet. I just eat moderately.
–Maggie’s, 47th & Madison
Girl #1: Don’t you like anything about yourself?
Girl #2: I like my abs.
Girl #1: Really?
Girl #2: I guess not.
–Grand Central
Overheard by: Alexis Gratt
Arty girl: You know what Asperger’s is, right?
Arty guy: No.
Arty girl: It’s that type of Autism where people are obsessed with trains.
Arty guy: Oh! So is that what all the subway conductors have?
–F train
Tipsy chick #1: Like, I kept drinking, but it really didn’t taste like there was any alcohol in it. So I just kept drinking.
Tipsy chick #2: You are a fratboy’s dream.
–Macdougal between 3rd & Bleecker
Overheard by: djlindee