
British parks guy: Yeh, fishin’ shit outta pools like this is me specialty.
Dude: Yeah, that’s great, but our frisbee is stuck in a tree.
British parks guy: Throwin’ yer frisbee at the birds, eh? You better make sure they don’t come after ye in yer dreams and peck yer fuckin’ eyes out.

–Central Park

Overheard by: NG

Guy #1: The next Pope might be black.
Guy #2: That guy’s not black. He’s African.

–Staten Island ferry

Guy: Where is the nearest subway?
Girl: We are not eating at Subway.

–Thompson & Bleecker

Overheard by: Charles Star

Chick: I got a washing machine at home but it don’t fit. I got too many clothes.
Guy: Ain’t you never heard of loads?
Chick: What you mean?
Guy: Doing it once at a time.
Chick: Shoot, I be doing clothes forever if I do that shit.

–Herald Square

Overheard by: Trish

Tourist woman: I had no idea the Guggenheim Museum was so cheesy looking. What’s it made out of? Is that papier mache or something?
Tourist man: Well, I remember reading somewhere that Frank Lloyd Wright really was a nut.

–5th Ave. & 88th St.

Overheard by: Galen Chistopher

Woman: Why are you smiling and licking your lips at me? Do you do this to all the customers?

–J & R Music World, Park Row

Overheard by: mimi lester

White homeboy #1: Son, I saw this comedian on TV last night, this black comedian–
White homeboy #2: Son, black guys are always so funny!

–Vanderbilt YMCA, East 47th Street

Overheard by: Palaverist

Receptionist: So, it’s your name on the insurance card?
Girl: No, it’s my partner’s.
Receptionist: Your husband?
Girl: No, my partner.
Receptionist: What’s his name?
Girl: Emily.
Receptionist: Your husband’s name is Emily?
Girl: She’s a girl.
Receptionist: Oh…Ohhh.

–Park Slope ob/gyn

Receptionist: Do you have an appointment here?
Guy: Yes, I’m the 3:35.
Receptionist: No, you’re not.
Guy: Oh yes I am.
Receptionist: This is gynecology.
Guy: Ah.

–W. 72nd St. ob/gyn

Dude #1: I never knew people actually lived on Staten Island.
Dude #2: I know!
Dude #1: I thought it was just a big mall.
Dude #2: With the Mafia…
Dude #1: And garbage…
Dude #2: I know!
Dude #1: You know what’s totally sad? I got a 1450 on my SATs.

–A train

A record company assistant is flirting with an older music executive. She asks: Do you have a girlfriend?

He responds by holding out his hand with fingers extended to show his wedding band.

Assistant: You have five girlfriends?

–Joe’s Pub