Guy: Wait, I missed that. So you were born, and then what happened?
–Brooklyn Botanical Gardens
Overheard by: Sherri Feldman
Guy: Wait, I missed that. So you were born, and then what happened?
–Brooklyn Botanical Gardens
Overheard by: Sherri Feldman
Guy #1: She’s tired.
Guy #2: So is her.
–7th Ave & 23rd St.
Hobo: Did you hear about Michael Jackson’s delivery service? It’s called Boyz 2 Men!
Schlub: This guy’s good!
–1/9 train
Caribbean woman: Will dis [wine cooler] drunk me?
Caribbean man: No, that won’t drunk you.
–Yvette Clarke for Congress HQ, Crown Heights
Guy, 20s: Umm…the half & half curdled when I put it in my coffee.
McWorker: You want a napkin?
Guy, 20s: No, I want another coffee. The half and half curdled.
The McWorker pours him a new one and yells to someone way in the back: There’s something wrong with the cups!
–McDonald’s, Flatbush Ave & Snyder St
Dumbass: So, what do you do?
Woman: I’m working on getting my PhD in pre-Columbian studies.
Dumbass: Oh… What does that mean?
Woman: Yeah, I usually get that reaction from people outside the realm of academia.
Dumbass: Academia? Where’s that?
–Bar, the Village
Overheard by: Wishing I was in Academia
Foreign guy #1: Is it a 4-door?
Rental car lady: I have no idea, I haven’t even begun the process yet.
She reaches into a drawer and pulls out a set of keys.
Rental car lady: Yes.
Foreign guy #2: That was some process.
–Avis, West 43rd Street
Overheard by: mike k
Guy #1: That girl at the party, Kyra — she was hot.
Guy #2: I thought so, too, but then I saw her MySpace photos, and she didn’t look that good. I’ll send you a link to them.
Guy #1: Uh… Dude, I saw her in real life. Who cares what her MySpace photos looked like?
–Manhattan-bound F train
Cop holding machine gun: Where you from?
Tourist: England.
Cop (in terrible British accent): Smashing! Brilliant!
Tourist: Um… Yeah.
–City Hall
Chick: So, um, like, yeah. I mean, you know, I mean, well, when you think it’s right but it isn’t, you know, then it’s like, um, yeah. I don’t know what I’m saying.
–Port Authority Bus Terminal