Wait, I Know Exacly What I’m Going to Do with Myself

Old lady to friend: … And the husband’s given up the Viagra for Lent, so I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself!


Overheard by: future old lady

Meathead to swooning girls: I’m just gonna eat your ovaries! Raaawwwrrr!

Commonwealth Avenue bus, Boston College
Newton, Massachusetts

Bus driver: I can’t let you off here. You’ll get killed.
Thug: It’s cool, man. I got insurance!


Overheard by: anonymous

Mother: Derek, come back here!
Five-year-old: No! You can’t tell me what to do! I’m going to go gamble some more! [Runs off.]

CAT ferry from Nova Scotia to Portland, Maine

Overheard by: Misaki

Chick #1: So, I was talkin’ to Gary yesterday.
Chick #2: He is so far up his own ass, I’m surprised he can say anything.
Chick #1: Yeah, I know. He was talking about some audio clip he’s doing, and how great it is, and my god — he annoys the shit out of me!
Chick #2: Yeah… Fantastic fuck, though.
Chick #1: Agreed — he is huge… I kind of heart Gary.

Central Station

Middle-aged black woman to friend: You gotsta have TP. You gotsta wipe yo’ ass.


Overheard by: anonymous

Hot lady to another: Well, that’s one drawback to being a whore.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Overheard by: loyal seattle reader

Mid-40s thrift store lady, to VHS of Hidalgo: Mmm, mmm — Viggo Mortensen. Any time, any place, anywhere, any hole. You know it.


Overheard by: little bald bastard

Possibly preggers teen: I’m going to name my baby ‘Vodka.’
Skanky mom: Oh.

Liquor store

Little girl, singing: Hey! I’m a crazy bitch, but I fuck so good you’re on top of it when you dream of doing me all night…
Father: What the fuck?! Are you trying to get taken by the social worker?!

Food Court, Connecticut Post Mall
Milford, Connecticut