
Boy: Why do you wear that on your head?
Muslim girl, indifferently: So the aliens don't read my brain.

High School

Overheard by: I need one of those!

Fat drunk guy: I really like your shirt. It's very intellectual.
Girl: Uh, thanks.
Fat drunk guy: I mean, I'm in college, I like to think deep, you know? I want to make films. Deep films.
Girl: Yeah, that'll be cool.
Fat drunk guy: How old are you?
Girl: I'm 16.
Fat drunk guy: Oh, I'm 18. Well…I mean, I'm 23.

Shreveport, Louisiana

Overheard by: Elle

Girl: So this girl was like: “I want half your pants!”

Hazelwood West High School
Florissant, Missouri

Overheard by: Melissa

Hobo to tranny prostitute: You rockin' that dress girl! You the man!

San Francisco, California

Overheard by: claire

Academic-type Oxford guy: You have such silky hair.
American girl: Thanks…
Academic-type Oxford guy: You could weave a garment out of it!


Overheard by: Catherine

Girl walking through campus: I can't believe you, I'm sitting in my living room in nothing but a towel, with mascara streaming down my face and you don't even care!

George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia

Overheard by: You sit on a throne of lies

Voice over loudspeaker: Attention members. Will Arthur Sarksian come to the front desk? We found your Speedos.

24 Hour Fitness
Glendale, California

Overheard by: James Jameson

Student selling pink ribbon bracelets: Professor, would you like to buy some bracelets? They're for a good cause.
Professor: Sure, I'll take five. One for each appendage.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Religion teacher to class of girls: And remember girls, always wear a bikini in the shower, because god is always watching you.


Girl #1, sifting through shirts on table: Oh my god, these v-necks are so freaking cute.
Girl #2: Yeah…if this one didn't have sharks on it. If there's one thing I hate is sharks. Who puts sharks on shirts nowadays, anyway?

Urban Outfitters
San Francisco, California