
Philosophy professor: He chose this example because it had sex appeal. It turned people on.
(changes PowerPoint slide to picture of bacterial flagellum)
Male student: Ohhhhh!
Professor: Please don't have an orgasm in my class.

Lycoming College
Williamsport, Pennsylvania

Algebra class kid: Will we ever use this stuff in real life?
Teacher: No. You won't.

Middle School Algebra Class
New Jersey

Annoying professor, about optical illusion on slide: What do you all see here?
Student: A moron with tenure.

Carleton University

Professor: Fluorine is to chlorine as chlorine is to Kool-Aid. If you inhale chlorine, it burns your nose–you inhale fluorine and it'll eat your face and look for your family.

San Diego State University
San Diego, California

Physicist: Elise has a quantum ass. It's either big or real big. Depending on what pants she wears.

Chicago, Illinois

Overheard by: change

High school girl, ranting to friend about biology class: It's *so* annoying…I hate evolution! He goes all into the *designing* of a cell and I'm like “God created it and that's all we need to know.” We don't have to go all hi-def into it!

Lancaster Mennonite HIgh School
Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Professor: Carbon-14 is an unstable marriage. He’s putting cocaine up his nose while she’s working hard. It can’t last, you know. That’s expensive.

Berea College

Physics professor demonstrating electrical charges: I have my magic wand and my magic fur. Now, I’m going to rub my magic wand with my magic fur!

Allegheny College
Meadville, Pennsylvania

Physics professor: Nature doesn't care what you think.

De Anza College
Cupertino, California

Overheard by: shyinvisiblegirl loves physics

Teacher: Who knows what the word “cell” means?
4th-grader: Oh, I do, I do! It's a tiny thing like a jelly doughnut! Except instead of jelly, there's blood!

Elementary School
Washington, DC