
Lady #1: My husband and I are going to Vegas tomorrow for four days. Our only trip without the kids. I am ticked because today I got my period.
Lady #2: Oh, what a pain in the ass.
Lady #1: Ahhhh?!

Hamburg, Michigan

Girl to guy she just met: My mom found out I had been having anal sex. She kept repeating “that's an exit, not an entrance.” I told her how much fun it was, and that she should try it.

University of Oregon

Straight girl: Butt sex, butt sex, butt sex!
Gay guy: You really love saying that, don't you?
Straight girl: Yes!
Gay professor: Do you prefer anal to vaginal!
Straight girl: Ewww, fuck no! I don't want anything in my asshole! See, I have a vagina. I have options, unlike gay men.
Gay professor: Ah, you'll never know the pleasures of prostate stimulation.

Westchester, New York

Girl, watching baseball: Ugh, I'd rather have anal than watch baseball!


Overheard by: me too.

Girl #1: So really Edward doesn't like anal?
Girl #2: Yeah, he doesn't even like anal.
Girl #1: Did you just ask him? Or did that just come up?
Girl #2: You know what? I don't even remember…I was drunk. I must've asked.

Petco Park
San Diego, California

Girl in red: I was telling my husband about you.
Guy in jeans: What were you telling him?
Girl in red: That you liked power bottoms.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Girl #1: I have to go take my car in because I got rear-ended yesterday.
Girl #2: (groans)
Girl #1: You know all about getting rear-ended, don't you, Christine?!
Girl #2: I get rear-ended all the time!

Holland, Michigan

Overheard by: john

Girl on cell: And I'm like “If you get to fuck me in the ass, then I get to fuck you!” Yeah, except then he's like, “Okay, sweet!” and I'm like, “Shit, that backfired.”

University LRT Station

Overheard by: thrilled commuter

Teen guy #1: Who comes to a concert to make out?
Teen guy #2: Uh, anyone with a significant other.
Teen guy #1: If a girl will make out with you at a concert, then she's down for anything. Like she'd totally take it up the butt.

Los Angeles, California

Overheard by: not so much

Guy #1: Sure, that is something I have always wanted to do… I mean I would rather fuck a girl in the ass than ummmmmm… go skydiving.
Guy #2: Well said, my man.

Baltimore, Maryland