
Guy at bar doing crossword: “The sound of a crowd.” Three letters, ending with “n.”
Hot bartender: Ummmmm.
Guy: “Din”? Is it “din”?
Hot bartender: What? Like people get together and just start saying “din din din”? I don't think so!

–The Continental

Overheard by: choking on scotch

Bartender: What’s your favorite word?
Drunk rich girl: Credit card!
Bartender: What’s your other favorite word?
Drunk rich girl: Money!
Bartender: No, the other one…
Drunk rich girl: Shots!

–Doc Holliday’s, Ave A

Overheard by: Your Mom

Young boyfriend, as Madonna's “holiday” comes on: You know, I have always hated Pat Benatar.
Older girlfriend, spitting out beer: Well, that's good honey, because this is Madonna.
Tattooed bartender chick: Pathetic.

–Lower East Side

Overheard by: Cougar Hunter

Well-dressed bridge & tunnel young girl: I'll have a cosmopolitan.
Bartender: We don't serve cosmos here.
Well-dressed bridge & tunnel young girl: Fine, I'll have a gin and tonic.
Bartender: We've got two types of beer. Light and dark.
(woman pauses in thought)
Bartender: Here, honey. Try the light. It's kind of like a cosmo.

–McSorley's, Bowery & 7th

Queer: We want girly drinks. Something fruity.
Bartwink: Okay? Did you have anything in mind?
Queer: Can you talk in a higher pitch when we’re talking about girly drinks?

–Barracuda, W. 22nd Street

Bartender: Both of the bars have indoor Bocce courts.
Texan: That is bad ass!

–Stand, 12th b/w 5th & University

Bartender: Are you getting her anything for Valentine's Day?
20-something guy: Probably not.
Bartender: Nothing? Flowers? Anything?
20-something guy: What am I supposed to do? Send a note that says “thanks for fucking me”?

–57th St

Very drunk suit: Hey, bartender! Do you know what a car bomb is?
Irish bartender: Yes, it’s Spanish for, ‘you’re an asshole.’

–3rd Ave

Female bartender: I'm double-jointed. Isn't that weird?
Sketchy barfly: You wanna see something weird? I can suck my own dick!

–Mars Bar

Overheard by: Pete

Australian guy: Hey there, mate! I was just wondering if you were hiring staff.
Irish bar man: Yeah, we are, but you will have to speak with the boss. He is gonna be back in about 10 minutes. Do you have any experience?
Australian guy: Well, yeah, I’ve been doin’ this for about three years back home in Sydney.
Irish bar man: That’s great… Sure, I’ll put in a good word for you. I’m getting sick of all the foreigners that they keep hiring.

Headline by: Barry Negrin


· “52-Across: “Foreigners” Ans: N-O-N-W-H-I-T-E” – Eddie

· “Between the Long Islanders and the Brooklynites, this place is going to hell” – M.dubz

· “I only hear in black and white” – h

· “I’ll have a shot of contradiction with an irony backer” – LN

· “It’s getting so hard to find people who speak American.” – Noh

· “See? Even THEY Can’t Tell Their Accents Apart!” – Jatmos

· “Will the last American to leave NYC please remember to bring the flag?” – Beth

· “You should have seen this Injun that came in yesterday” – trainedmonkey

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