
Girl on cell: Not only did she steal my car, she ate the fucking cupcakes!

Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, Connecticut

20-something girl looking at picture: Isn't he so hot with his nunchucks?”
20-something guy friend: Those are called “muttonchops.”


Acting professor: Give me an action that would be the motivation for a police officer to ask somebody for their license and registration.
Student: … He wants her number?

Hartford, Connecticut

Overheard by: Claire

Pretty girl to boy: How is bottle-feeding a baby hedgehog not on your to-do list?

Fairfield High School
Fairfield, Connecticut

Woman: What’s the phrase? ‘Get off the pot or shit on the horse’?

Kohl’s dressing room
Brookfield, Connecticut

Overheard by: Nik

Drunk guy #1: Yo, what are you doing?
Drunk guy #2: I don’t remember.
Drunk guy #1: Those are the best nights, bro.

University of New Haven
West Haven, Connecticut

Overheard by: through the window

Old WWII man to another: If I was President of the United States, before I'd let anyone have a license to drive a car I'd make everyone drive a motorcycle for a year to learn defensive driving.

Southington, Connecticut

Overheard by: Raven

Saxophone-playing dude: [About Huck Finn] You really think some ten-year-old white boy is gonna be running around with a crazy black man like “Woo hoo! Everything’s cool!”? No way, man, they woulda ate him!

Hartford, Connecticut

Overheard by: Claire

Professor: I went to college in Montreal, and one day I woke up on, like, the 16th floor of some high rise building with this beautiful Arabian girl next to me, and I didn’t know where I was or what was happening. It was great.
Student: And then you woke up again from your dream.
Professor: Well, then she ruined the next six months of my life. I don’t know why I told you this story.

Hartford, Connecticut

Bad egg in sweater-vest: Gandhi was a Marlboro man, not Newport.
Friend in tight polo: You're the worst sort of person.
Bad egg in sweater-vest: That hurts.

New Haven, Connecticut