
Middle-aged woman to another: I said, “Let’s go to church,” and she said, “No, I’m going to stay in bed with Jesus today.”

Outside Mexican restaurant
Hammond, Louisiana

Overheard by: Booksie in Bumfuck

Guy: I have to use the girls’ room ’cause there is just vomit everywhere in the men’s and a guy, like, dying or something.
Girl: Well, that’s what you get for moving to the East side! Apparently no one vomits at bars on the West side. We here on the East side are all about vomit. It’s, like, totally cool.

Ladies’ room, 4100 Bar, Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, California

Overheard by: Erin

Woman to friend: So I killed three of them already. I guess that means I should lose some weight.

Kansas City, Missouri

Overheard by: corey

Whiny girl: My flight was canceled!
Friend: Oh, no! … Your hair looks great!

Overheard by: Paris

Chick: … But it’s only about the size of a strawberry.
Dude: And all I’m saying is that a strategically placed strawberry can exert a surprising amount of pressure.
Random passerby: Right on!

Seattle, Washington

Overheard by: snickerpants

Man to friend: She makes me want to cheat on my wife in front of my wife.

Exchange Place, New Jersey

Overheard by: John

Birthday girl: Not to be mean, but I'm kind of glad Jeff* can't come to my birthday party. Now I can invite Kelly*.
Friend: Why couldn't you before? Not enough seats?
Birthday girl (long pause): No. Because Jeff's brother got her sister pregnant.
Friend: Oh, yeah.

University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana

Overheard by: iz

Friend #1: Now all we need is a transvestite cop.
Friend #2: Don't worry, we have Katie!

Los Angeles, California

Girl studying with her friend: I love how you never learn about what's inside a boob.
Friend: Yeah, that's a shame.

Arizona College

Overheard by: lura

Wannabe hipster girl: I'm anorexic!
Wannabe hipster friend: No way!
Wannabe hipster girl: No, seriously! I'm anorexic since lunch.
Wannabe hipster friend: Okay.

Overheard by: the actual hipsters were way more polite