
40-year-old virgin #1: Did I tell you I beat Mortal Kombat?
40-year-old virgin #2: Uh-uh.
40-year-old virgin #1: Well, I did, and now my life has no meaning.

Birmingham, Alabama

Little boy being pushed in cart: You smell!
Dad: No, you smell!
Little boy: No, you smell!
Dad: You smell!
(a little later)
Little boy: That was awful!
Dad: Only because you think it is.
Little boy: You're a sock!
Dad: Oh, I'm a sock now?
Little boy: A soooock!
Dad: No, you're a sock!

Whole Foods
Hollywood, California

Overheard by: Kafrin

Nerdy frat boy #1: You know what we should do? Just go buy a video game, sit down, and fucking beat it.
Nerdy frat boy #2: Yeah!
Sorority girl, guffawing: Why would you buy a video game to jack off?!

Seattle, Washington

Overheard by: Charlie G.

Asian girl in bright coat: Oh my fucking god, I think I just lost my virginity.
Blonde girl: Wait, how does that even work?
Asian girl in bright coat: The end of the teeter-totter seat is like totally up my ass, and it's like penetrating.
Blonde girl: Oh.


Overheard by: Shawn

High school boy #1: Know what I’m gonna do?
High school boy #2: You’re gonna jizz in my mouth.
High school boy #1: I’m gonna go to a third world country, buy four people, put them in an arena, and make them play Super Smash Brothers in real life. For Pikachu I’m gonna put thousand-volt batteries in his cheeks.

Ride-On bus
Washington, DC

Overheard by: bus rider

Beholder: You are not a beholder, buddy.
Non-beholder: Nah, dude. I’m pretty sure I behold.


Overheard by: benji

Girl: So I think he's taken our relationship a step further.
Gay friend: Oh! What, did he ask you out?
Girl: No.
Gay friend: Did he finally tell you he likes you?
Girl: No! Nothing like that.
Gay friend: Then what?
Girl: He started talking to me exclusively in D&D jargon!
Gay friend: See, this is why we have different tastes in men.

Burlington, Vermont

Overheard by: Doesn't play D&D

Old Midwestern lady #1: All these kids bringing their videos games everywhere!
Old Midwestern lady #2: It's depressing! My son-in-law brings his laptop everywhere. Always on the internet.
Old Midwestern lady #1: Is he using one of those blueberries? Or blackpods?
Old Midwestern lady #2: I don't know, I'm just glad I'm old.

Newark, New Jersey

Overheard by: thankfully on a different flight

Professor: It's hard to have an orgy without orgasms. What? It's true! What're you gonna do, play video games?

University of San Francisco
San Francisco, California

12-year-old boy: You see?! Dungeons & Dragons applies to real life!


Overheard by: cubicle slave