
Tourist: It's like Times Square with less fat people!

Piccadilly Circus

Overheard by: Stuart

Guy in “I heart NJ” shirt: Could you take our picture?
German tourist: Sure.
Guy in “I heart NJ” shirt: Thanks a lot, man.
German tourist: You luv New Jer-see?
Guy in “I heart NJ” shirt: Hell yeah!
German tourist: You za own-lee vun!


Overheard by: Joyful One

American tourist to girlfriend: No, it's a special species of blue rabbit that can survive in space.
Girlfriend: Wow!

Kaaba Cafe
Czech Republic

Teenage tourist girl to friend: Wanna play connect the dots with my track marks?
Friend: (laughs nervously)
Teenage tourist girl: Also, if you do that stupid thing with your water glass again, I'm gonna strangle you, and throw you in a pit and put a dead dog on top of your grave. Pass me that cheese?


Host to dumb tourist: Would you like to sit inside or in the garden?
Dumb tourist: What's the weather like in the garden?
Host: I'm going to guess that it's the same as outside the front door you just walked through.

Charleston, South Carolina

Overheard by: Crash

Tourist to park ranger: How do I get to Mt. Desert Island from here?
Park ranger: Ummm, you're standing on it.
Tourist: No, I'm not.
Park ranger: Yes, you are.
Tourist: This is ridiculous, I'm going to report you to the government.
Park ranger: No, really, you're on the island.

Mount Desert Island, Maine

Tourist: Are you a good Muslim or a bad Muslim?

Haunted Mansion, DisneyWorld
Orlando, Florida

Overheard by: Eric

Confused tourist lady, looking at anime convention kids in costume: Excuse me? Do you know what all of this is about?
Local: Yeah, the whack-job convention is in town.
Confused tourist lady: The…the…”whack-job” convention? (looks at costumes) Whack-jobs?
Local: (smacks forehead and turns away)

Washington, DC

Overheard by: Sarah Boyd

Indian tourist outside strip club: So you pay money, and a lady dances for you.
Mum: Well, that sounds delightful.


Overheard by: Chinese cockney

American tourist to friends: I hope this park has shade and air conditioning.


Overheard by: Kate