
Father holding infant son in glass elevator: Are you scared, sweetie? It must be nice not to have a sense of your own mortality.

Burlington Mall
Burlington, Massachusetts

Student, after class spent 25 minutes arguing answers to midterm: I have a question. Not about this test, but about future tests.
Professor, wearily: I think the final will just be take-home.
Class: Really?
Professor: Whatever.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

60-year-old drunk in bar: The only reason I've never tried being gay is because I'm afraid I might like it.

Sandy Springs, Georgia

Overheard by: Me too…

Trendy girl, extremely serious: But like I am totally scared of mannequins! (pause) Mannequins, and big giraffes. I'm really just scared of all jungle animals in general.

Manhattan, Kansas

Son: I just feel so filthy after I go on the T. Can I please have some hand sanitizer, father?
Father: (silently hands it to son)
Son: Am I being paranoid?
Father: You're not being paranoid, Jonathan, you're being practical.

Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Laura

Woman #1: I love TGI Friday's, but if I could pick any local place to go for dinner tonight, I would pick Olive Garden.
Woman #2: Oooh, good pick! What about Macaroni Grill?
Woman #1: I love Macaroni Grill! But isn't it a little fancy for tonight?
Woman #2: No, we can go change.
Woman #1: Are you sure you're okay with driving in this city?
Woman #2: Sure, it is okay.
Woman #1: Maybe we should pray before we leave… you know, just in case.
Woman #2: Great idea.


Overheard by: Jon

Cowboy #1, in cowboy dialect: One thing I can tell you, if one of them bites you on the lip, don't panic. Just wait till it starts to let go and then push it off of you.
Cowboy #2: You know, that's right.

Willcox, Arizona

Overheard by: Alan B. Barley

Girl #1: My dream is to have a harem of guys that I can make dress up like the pale man from Pan's Labyrinth.
Girl #2: Why the hell would you do that?
Girl #1: Because it would be awesome and scary. I just want to see a bunch of people running away from me and my harem.

Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Massachusetts

Woman #1, coming out of movie theater: I want to see Zombieland when it comes out.
Woman #2: That's way too scary for you.
Woman #1: No, it's not!
Woman #2: You couldn't handle Coraline.
Woman #1: Because that movie is terrifying! (shudders)

Denver, Colorado

Gay hairdresser: Ew, I don't think I could handle seeing dead people all gross and stuff!
Teenage girl getting haircut: You know, it's really not that bad… I kinda like it!
Straight hairdresser: Working downtown scares me sometimes…

Salem, Oregon