
Lesbian to girlfriend: … That was back when I was dating this pharmacist and my sister-in-law decided to start this rumor that both of us were into this thing… [makes subtle fisting motion].

Elevator, Penrose Hospital
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Puzzled teen: I swear I’ve never seen so much math on a napkin before.

Women’s Bathroom, Wynkoop Brewery
Denver, Colorado

Overheard by: Bathroom Goer

History professor, lecturing on the early 1900s: I mean, the problem of being the only person with a telephone is, well, who you gonna call?
Class, as one: Ghostbusters!
History professor: You kids scare me.

Boulder, Colorado

Overheard by: They know their history, alright

Teen boy: (glares at brother, bites thumb)
Younger brother: Mom! He's non-verbally quoting Shakespeare at me again!

Denver, Colorado

Overheard by: Lee

Girl, to two guys smoking in a bar: Oh my gosh! Smoking? Gross! (walks away, disgusted)
Guy #1: You wanna follow her and smoke?
Guy #2: Hell yeah, I do.

Denver, Colorado

Pilot over PA, after taxiing to the gate for ten minutes: Let me know if you guys see something that looks like an airport.

Denver International Airport
Denver, Colorado

Overheard by: they're not kidding about being the country's biggest airport

Mother to screaming child: Look, if it were up to me, you could watch all the porn you want.

Highlands Ranch, Colorado

Loud drunk guy on bus: You're from Oklahoma? Oklahoma has the best cottage cheese in the world!

Denver, Colorado

Overheard by: I would have believed Wisconsin…

Girl in car, while on cell phone: I was coughing because I was eating a cookie while trying to have sex!

Denver, Colorado

Overheard by: Squid

Suit #1, referring to scar on suit #2's throat: What happened to you?
Suit #2: My daughter is batshit. What of it?

Denver, Colorado

Overheard by: Julia