Family ties

Guy #1: I was supposed to interview my grandma for my sociology project, but I didn't. I'm going to have to like, make up her life right now.
Guy #2: Why didn't you interview her?
Guy #1: Well, she lives in Oregon, and you know, the time change…
Guy #2: Dude, there's no time change from here to Oregon.
Guy #1: I know that, shut up! I'm trying to make myself feel better.

University of Washington
Seattle, Washington

Overheard by: Beatrice

Girl: Whoa…There's a band called “Asia”? Mom, is this what I was named after?
Mother: No, honey.

Branson, Missouri

Dad to son, passing Valentine's Day t-shirt display: These are kind of nice for your mom, no?
Son: It's for mom, what do I care?

City Center Mall
White Plains, New York

Overheard by: Nathan

Guy #1: Is your aunt gonna get a divorce?
Guy #2: Yeah.
Guy #1: Niiiice.

Walton High School
Marietta, Georgia

Overheard by: nezu!

Boy #1: I'm gonna take out my iPhone and post these pictures on YouTube.
Boy #2: You can't post photos on YouTube.
Boy #1: Fine, I'll post them on Facebook.
Boy #2: You don't have a Facebook.
Boy #1: I'll e-mail them to your mom. She posts everything on Facebook.

Central Islip, New York

Overheard by: Val

Superior girl: You're just stumped by the Father-Christmas-isn't-a-cat argument.


Overheard by: Inigo Montoya

Hipster girl: Oh, look, there's a movie theata here too!
Hipster guy: Movie “theata”? Wow, you do have an accent… but your sister, she's really got an accent!
Hipster girl: Actually, she has a speech impediment.

Boston, Massachusetts

Girl on cell: I said “I love you” like three years ago. Why? When was the last time you said it?
[pause]Girl on cell, shocked: Ew! To who, you whorebag?!
[pause]Girl on cell, incredulous: You say “I love you” to your mom?

200 Bus
Los Angeles, California

Overheard by: likewhoa

Hip daughter: Mom, is that the same guy?
Hip mom: No.
Hip daughter: Then why do they sound the exact same?
Hip mom: Because they're Jewish.
Hip daughter: Really?
Hip mom: No.
Hip daughter (laughing): Oh my god! Mom! That's…
Hip mom: Don't quote me on Facebook.

Lincoln, Nebraska

Overheard by: robert taylor

Loud 20-something girl on cell: What do you mean you made out with my uncle?!

Spokane, Washington