
Young boyfriend, trying to weasel out of seeing Legally Blonde 2: I… I just don't think I'm emotionally ready for the uncut version. Do you think I'm ready? I don't.
Young girlfriend: You should have pulled the “it might make me gay” card.
Friend: I think his way was more gay.
Young girlfriend: Which concerns me…

Scotrun, New York

Girl in debate to two guys at her table: But that doesn't make it gay. You're still having heterosexual sex, but you're just doing it next to yourself.

Overheard by: true

Dude: I wish all guys had boobs.
Girl: What?!
Dude: It’s so much more appropriate to grope a guy than a girl!

New Zealand

Overheard by: Schmitty

Professor: And you go home and watch something dumb on TV, like that Tila Tequila show with the lesbians and the guys… I don’t understand who would want to date her anyway, she looks like a disease on legs.

Harbor College, California

Girl #1: Does transvestism work both ways?
Girl #2: It should. I've dressed up as a man before and I looked damn hot. My tits are small enough you can't even tell!

University of New Orleans, Louisiana

Overheard by: Nac

Small child entering restroom: Mom, why can't we go to the boys' room? Because I've got a girl with me?
Mom: You are a girl!

Sushi Restaurant
Kansas City, Kansas

Overheard by: zombie z

Guy #1, after British tourists leave elevator: Stupid British bitches.
Guy #2: Wow, you hate Brits?
Guy #1: You know it.
Guy #2: But Maggie is British, and you like her.
Guy #1: Yeah, well, that’s because Maggie is a tranny.

Hotel Whitcomb
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: Adam

British lit professor, on gays: I have honestly never seen it rain on a gay person. Never. Not once in my life.

Georgia State Lit Class

Loud eighth grader: Michael's such a douche, all he wants to do is get in my pants.
Even louder teacher: You're in eighth grade, you shouldn't be letting anybody in your pants!

Potomac, Maryland

Overheard by: Math is my new favorite subject…

Boyfriend: If we were in person right now, I would totally suck your face right now.
Girlfriend: We *are* in person.
Boyfriend: Oh, yeah.
(they walk on casually)

Memorial City Mall
Houston, Texas