
Guy: Well, the Republican party is doing that right now.
Easily offended girl: I don't generalize!
Guy: Well then, what about homosexuality?
Easily offended girl: Oh, they should all burn in hell!

West Texas A&M University

Genius cashier: Did they decide on a President yet? You know, the President thing?

North Andover, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Wrote it on my receipt so I wouldn’t forget

20-something foreigner: The Democrats and Republicans… It's like the difference between safe sex and unsafe sex.


Overheard by: sarah

Mom, doing mock interview of five-year-old for their journal: Okay, who is your least favorite person?
Five-year-old: Saddam Hussein, and the girl at school with the bent chin.


Overheard by: Brittany

American Government professor: And our second candidate for class president was born to a military family in 1990, which almost makes me sick to my stomach when I think about what I was doing in 1990. See, you could be my baby!

Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama

Boy #1: So, I never got what the difference was between liberals and conservatives.
Boy #2: Well, conservatives like big business, and liberals like communism.
Boy #1: Oh. What if I want to be both?
Boy #2: You can't be both. It's an on/off thing. Like, you're either pregnant or you're not. Or like you're Christian or you're Islam.

High School

Drunken girl #1: Ah, that tubby boy kissed me.
Drunken girl #2: Doesn't matter, just remember the rule.
Drunken girl #1: “We don't share”?
Drunken girl #2: No, the other rule.
Drunken girl #1: “Your dress can be as short as you like, as long as you're wearing stockings”?
Drunken girl #2: No. The “if you don't remember it, it didn't happen” rule.
Drunken girl #1: Oh, I'm forgetting it now, then.


Lady on the bus: So I was 17 and pregnant! He was a Nazi extremist, but a very nice man. Very charming. I was rebellous (sic) as a teenager. Very rebellous. But now I'm old-fashioned, and I've got lots of morals.

New Zealand

Overheard by: dominic

Very white English major girl: I could never be a politician. I'd be all like “bitch, you're trippin' balls. Sit yo' fat toupeed ass down!”

Universisty Station

Professor: Well, I'm not supposed to state my own political views. (pause) Ah, to hell with it, I'm just going to say it: Sarah Palin is a complete fucking disaster!

University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland

Overheard by: Brittany