Ballet boy: Is this the Piano Concerto choreographed by Balanchine?
Ballet girl: No.
Ballet boy: Then who is it?
Ballet girl: I don’t know. It’s like…ghetto.
–NYU Skirball Center
Ballet boy: Is this the Piano Concerto choreographed by Balanchine?
Ballet girl: No.
Ballet boy: Then who is it?
Ballet girl: I don’t know. It’s like…ghetto.
–NYU Skirball Center
Guy #1: She stuck her lollipop in my mouth! And she has herpes!
Guy #2: She has herpes?
Girl: Well, everyone has herpes…
–Sin Sin, E. 5th Street
Overheard by: Jon Zebraskey
Old man: Lloyd. Proper name or suffix?
–2nd Ave. & 68th St.
Overheard by: Eric
Hippie: They gave Israel a nuclear submarine.
Companion: So they can fish?
–5th Ave. & 21st St.
Overheard by: MK and AT
HS girl: Now he’s in college, so he has his own friends.
HS guy: He’s at Sarah Lawrence.
HS girl: There are lots of people like him there.
–4 train
Overheard by: Kaitlen
Thug #1: I don’t live in the VHS era.
Thug #2: Naw, they got DVD tapes now.
–J train
Overheard by: Anna
Guy: I saw that movie Hide and Seek. It sucked.
Girl: I don’t know that one. Who’s in it?
Guy: Ummm…that guy from Meet the Fockers.
Girl: …Ben Stiller?
Guy: Who?
Girl: Are you talking about Ben Stiller?
Guy: No, no, the old guy.
Girl: Robert DeNiro?!
Guy: Yeah, him.
Girl: You call Robert DeNiro “that guy from Meet the Fockers“?!
–1 train
Overheard by: Brian J. Heck
Bronzing Blonde: So this guy was like “I can’t tan in that bed, I’ll burn,” so I said, “Um, your last name is Garcia, you shouldn’t burn that easily.”
Bronzing Brunette: Seriously? I mean just because your last name is Garcia doesn’t mean it’s okay to be stupid.
–Tanning salon, 7th Avenue between 38th & 39th
Guy #1: Man, things ain’t been the same since my brother died in WTC.
Guy #2: What? He ain’t dead; he’s in jail, son.
Guy #1: Man, why you gotta–
–E train
Guy: Where do you live again?
Girl: Right over there.
Guy: Can I walk you home?
Girl: But it’s right over there…
–Orchard Street