
Girl, getting up to leave: Gotta go meet flipper down by the docks, he's bringing me a shipment of cocaine.


Overheard by: Ben

Pharmacy assistant holding phone to pharmacist: This guy on the phone found some prescription bottles in a drawer and wants to know what they are. Can you talk to him?
Pharmacist: Did he eat them already?

Austin, Texas

Overheard by: mmm….mystery pills

Tough-looking guy with eight-year-old: Don't go over there! Dirty, gross stuff over there, dirty people go there.
Kid, climbing through railing bars: Druggies!
Dad: Don't say that around here! Daddy doesn't want to have to fight anyone.

Downtown Winnipeg

Overheard by: al

History teacher (hanging up posters with spray adhesive): If ya’ll get high from this, you’re welcome.

High School
Columbia, South Carolina

Overheard by: thank you!

Confused junkie: There were these two Jewish guys called Gold and Frankenstein, and they gave Jesus a mirror.

Box Hill Central

20-something guy that obviously just woke up: So, do you think we'll have enough money to apply for college later today?
20-something girlfriend, also still bed-headed and yawning: Are you kidding me? It's 5 am and we're stoned. We'll talk about this later.

Dallas, Texas

Young boy: Good gracious, I'm high!

East Lansing, Michigan

Overheard by: sjshock

Crazy hobo, walking in office: Ecstasy! Ecstasy! Give every male one shot of ecstasy a day from the time they are seven to seventy, and that will end all the violence!

Phoenix, Arizona

Overheard by: follylolly

Girl, about test: Um, I got number 34 right and it's marked wrong!
Rest of class: Yeah.
Professor: I know. I already gave you all credit. Just ignore that, it must be some leftover meth use from my college years.

Auburn, Alabama

Girl: Who are you dating now?
Guy: I don’t know if you’d call it dating, but I met a stripper that comes over around midnight, gets me high, sucks my dick, we fuck, I fall asleep and when I wake up, she’s gone.
Random eavesdropper: Dude, marry that bitch!

Open Bar
San Diego, California