Suit #1: Yeah, there were three Korean chicks making out. And I was making out with two other dudes!
Suits #2 & #3: Nice!

–Outside Bar, East Village

Trashy Jersey bimbo, looking around the room: I've made out with almost everyone in here.
Trashy Jersey dude: You're a slut!

–10th & 18th

Cute girl #1: I kissed Santa!
Cute girl #2: I just grabbed his balls!

–Viacom holiday party, 34th St

Girl #1: Ugh, Adam Lambert is soooo hot, it's too bad he's gay.
Girl #2: Just because he kisses other guys doesn't mean he's gay.
Girl #1: Um, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it means. Now, come on, I feel like a slurpie or something.

–59th & 5th

NYU chick #1: It’s like making out with a girl.
NYU chick #2: No, it’s like waking up in Tijuana with three Mexican boyfriends.

–Bleecker St & Macdougal St

Overheard by: Candi

Loud girl #1: So, are you going to tell Eric*?
Loud girl #2: It was a dance.
Loud girl #1: And a kiss.
Jamaican man, who has overheard: Oh. Oh, that’s cold. You ain’t gonna tell him?
Loud girl #2: I didn’t kiss him, he kissed me.
Jamaican man: This gon’ get ugly, you hear me?
Loud girl #2: Fine! I’ll tell him! Then you’ll see ugly.
Jamaican man: Jus’ call me Dear Abby.

–Elevator, Brooklyn

Girl #1: Dude, you know she’s gay. Remember when she hit on me?
Girl #2: Oh, yeah! Now I remember! She, like, tried to kiss you, and you fell backwards off the couch! I have never laughed that hard in my life.
Girl #1: Yeah, that was pretty funny.

–F train

Overheard by: Sara

Guy #1: I want to finish on a girl's face one time man, that would be sic!
Guy #2: Amy told me I could do it to her once.
Guy #1: Are you serious!?? I never thought Amy was that hot, but fuck, she just moved up in my books. Was it good?
Guy #2: I couldn't do it. I would do it to a random chick, but not my girlfriend. Every time I kissed her I would only ever think, her face was decorated with my cum.
Guy #1, laughing: Decorated! You sound like the Santa Claus of porn.

–Lower East Side

Guy: What did you do all day?
Girl: Just drinking chicken blood and performing other secret rituals.
Guy: Nice. [They make out on street corner.]

–Houston & Ave C

Big, Italian guy on cell: Braces? (pause) Why do you want braces? (pause) You don't just get them 'cause you want them!

–Penn Station

Overheard by: I hated braces

30-something woman to friend: I started getting cavities after I started making out with boys.


Overheard by: Angela

Drunk guy: I wasn't having a heart attack, I was at the dentist!

–M60 Bus

Happy tall man on cell: Alright, nigga, brush your teef and all that, I wanna get high!

–111th & Lenox Ave