
Drunk guy to friend: I didn't respect her because she didn't respect the sandwich.

Scooter's Bar
Portland, Oregon

Overheard by: Kate

Hoochie to another: Just because you’re a slut doesn’t mean you have dibbs!

Portland, Oregon

Overheard by: Michelle

Boyfriend: Ow! Stop twisting my mole.
Girlfriend, singing quietly to herself: Looking for rub in all the wrong places.

MAX Train
Portland, Oregon

Overheard by: Amy Achterman

Dude: I may be bipolar, but she’s fucking crazy!

650 NE Holladay Street
Portland, Oregon

Overheard by: Too Many Papercuts

Whiny girl to female friend, showing a polka-dotted bra: Come on! I'm trying to show you my boobs!
Boy, lifting his shirt: The only boobs she wants to see are mine!

Eugene, Oregon

Teenage girl #1: I mean, what's the point of dating an ugly, short, junior with herpes and acne if he doesn't even have his learner's permit?
Teenage girl #2: Shut up and eat.

Shari's Restaurant
Beaverton, Oregon

Overheard by: Claire

Fundraiser on phone: So what made it a cult? (pause) No, we don't record this information.

Reed College
Portland, Oregon

Daughter: You know, they should put up a warning sign at that camp. “Warning: do not hook up with each other, you are probably second cousins. You will have mutant babies.”
Mother: But they're already mutants, so it's okay.

Portland, Oregon

Overheard by: Christianne

Little boy (chanting loudly): My penis and my butt! My penis and my butt! My penis and my butt, butt, butt, butt, butt!
Little girl: But I don't have a penis.
Both: My vagina and my butt! My vagina and my butt…

Ashland, Oregon

Overheard by: Kelly

60-something female professor: Boys, you don't have this problem, but girls: always do your Kegels, especially after you have a baby.

Willamette University
Salem, Oregon