Health and Hygiene

Office thug #1: Yo, Windows is, like, mad-retarded!
Office thug #2: Say what?
Office thug #1: I said Windows is bullshit, man.
Office thug #2: Man, I been telling you that shit for years. My G5 is way better than whatever computer you got.
Office thug #1: Nigga, my laptop has AIDS!

–52nd St & Madison

Customer: Excuse me, there’s no toilet paper in the women’s room. [Cashier wordlessly pulls wad of napkins out of dispenser and hands them over.] There’s six of us waiting in line back there! [Cashier wordlessly pulls out another wad of napkins.] Lord, have mercy.

–McDonald’s Express, 125th & Lenox

Overheard by: Rich Mintz

Crazy guy: Shaving is so much more important than your cell phone.

–6 train

Drunk girl #1 coughs.
Drunk girl #2: If you vomit, I swear to God this friendship is over.

–Bleecker St

Overheard by: kellianne

Black woman #1: When is the silicon going to dry?
Black woman #2: It's in bags. In my boobs. Dumb bitch.

–2 Train

Overheard by: Lacy

A homeless guy is sleeping

Other dude: You smell like you want to be alone.

–A train

Woman: You have everything?
Man, looking at suitcase and opening box: I think that's it.
Woman: What's in this box?
Man: It's my life. You know: vodka and lotion.
Woman: And toothpaste! Where'd you get that funny toothpaste?

–Elevator, Upper West Side

Overheard by: Along for the ride

Dude #1: I didn’t brush my tongue this morning.
Dude #2: Yeah, I didn’t have a cigarette.
Dude #1: No, I saw a sign that said, “Have you brushed your tongue today?”
Dude #3: No, you just have to go to the bathroom and throw up a little and then you’ll be all set.

–Union Square

Overheard by: tanechka

Woman: She said she want to make more than 8 dollars. I said, “Honey, you ain’t makin’ no 20 dollars unless you sell drugs.”


Overheard by: Stephanie Emilienburg

Girl on cell: I think the truth is rotting into your brain, that’s why you’re getting migraines.


Overheard by: Rych