Scents of the City

Guy: The train car smelled like a dead rat today, I swear.
Woman: I know. It stays in your nose. It’s like a dead body. When you smell rotting flesh, it stays with you no matter what you do. Same with skunk.

–Office, 35th & 8th

Girl #1, sniffing perfumes: I like the second one better.
Girl #2: Yeah, it’s more real, and it won’t make you feel like you’re seducing him into thinking you’re a cookie.

–Lingerie store, 66th & Broadway

20-something girl (following older man and sniffing him): Mmmmmmm.
Older man (letting her pass): Excuse me?
Girl: Sorry about that. You smell like my boyfriend. And he dumped me two days ago. (eyes well up)
Older man: Well, you're making me nervous. Keep on walking, honey.

–4 Train

Overheard by: alex

Ghetto high school girl #1: I’m not going to the party unless he apologizes for saying I stink.
Ghetto high school girl #2: But you do.
Ghetto high school girl #1: So?

–5 train platform, Pelham Pkwy

Overheard by: Bryan

Two elderly women walk past a stand selling roasted cinnamon nuts and say: Ohhh boy, those nuts smell good…

–East Village

Man #1, trying to make the elevator door before it closes: Don’t you guys believe in second chances?
Man #2: Did you have beans for lunch?

–188 Montague, Brooklyn Heights

Guy #1: Do you want to go here or Houlihan’s?
Guy #2: I went to Houlihan’s and it smelled like butthole.
Guy #1: Okay.

–Penn Station

Overheard by: Clarktadd

Girl #1: Ohmigosh, I just bought scratch ‘n sniff underwear! With an apple on it!
Girl #2: Why the hell would you want to scratch your ass and then sniff it?

–66th & Broadway

Little boy: Mom, is this a potty?
Mom: No it's the subway exit.
Little boy: It smells like a potty.

–F Train

Old white man: Go ahead, that’s right. Everyone go ahead. Fucking pathetic.
Black girl: Ha, ha. You smell like sardines.

–3 train

Overheard by: Dae Han