Tourist attractions

Tourist baby: Bah bah bah bah bah!
Tourist dad, changing his diaper: I hear ya.
Tourist baby: Bah bah bah bah bah bah!
Tourist dad: Uh huh.
Tourist baby: Bah bah bah bah!
Tourist dad: I told you not to mess with those guys.
(tourist baby laughs)
Tourist dad: Yeah, you know what I'm talking about!

Restroom, Walt Disney World
Orlando, Florida

Overheard by: The Normie in the Handistall

Ten-year-old girl to passing adult man: What's your name?
Mother, scolding: Do you have to hit on every man you see?

Anaheim, California

Four-year-old: I'm not here to make friends!

Disney's Animal Kingdom
Orlando, Florida

Little girl, right before fireworks begin: Daddy, I can see perfectly through that tall man's head.

Walt Disney World
Orlando, Florida

Man pushing wheelchair lady, singing: Handicap, handicap, oh handy handy handy…

Epcot Park, Disney World

Overheard by: Euggh

Dad sitting on a bench, holding misbehaving son: Well, I guess we are going to have to go then. I was really hoping we could enjoy it here…
Son, at the top of his lungs: Whhhhyyyy are you doing this to me!?

Anaheim, California

Overheard by: Mouse Goer

Girlfriend to boyfriend: What I want to know is why the hell people haven't domesticated the rhino yet!

Royal Ontario Museum

Overheard by: Surprised

Zookeeper: We have three types of penguins: Humboldt, Emperor, and Macaroni.
Small child watching zookeeper: Are there African American penguins?
Zookeeper, clearly flustered: Er…well…there are penguins from many countries and continents…

Milwaukee County Zoo

Overheard by: Not a penguin racist

Nigerian man to wife loading small children into overcrowded rental van: Come, we are in America now! We go home and eat cheese!

Rosicrucian Museum
San Jose, California

Little boy hitting trash can: I demand this trash can to give me money!

Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium
Tacoma, Washington