Tourist attractions

Guy to friend: So she broke her vibrator for the third time?

Mystic Lake Casino
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Little boy leaving Epcot: Well, that was unpleasant.

Disney World
Orlando, Florida

Hausfrau dragging small son into hall of prehistory: Now remember, we don't believe in evolution!

Smithsonian Museum of Natural History

Overheard by: In the right museum

Disappointed man to child on shoulders: Cranes aren't that great.

Woodland Park Zoo
Seattle, Washington

Girl: I'm not gonna bend over and let you play my butt in front of other people!


Overheard by: Pilbur

Mom to toddler in stroller: What was your favorite part of the circus?
Toddler in stroller: The elephants pooping!

Anaheim, California

Tramcar driver in Magic Kingdom: It has come to my attention that people use their panic button to help them find their car. That is cheating. You must wander around aimlessly for a while first.

Disney World, Florida

Overheard by: Kristen

(at the polar bear exhibit)
Father to son holding a rock: Don't throw that rock! If you throw that, it's going to hit the bear, and then he's going to come over here and eat you. Do you want him to come over here and eat you?!

Buffalo, New York

Overheard by: Sarah.

Very white mom: “The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round…” Sing with me, honey.
Very white four-year old daughter: “Rollin' down the street smokin'…”

Walt Disney World
Orlando, Florida

Old woman to granddaughter: I saw her the other day, and all the fat from her face has slipped down to her boobs.

Piccadilly Circus

Overheard by: lola